How To Find The Best Stroller To Give Your Baby The Most Comfortable Rides

Nothing is on top of the priority list for parents other than their child’s safety. New parents are most concerned about the safety and comfort of their babies. A stroller is one of the most important purchases during the first two years. But, finding the best stroller for your kid is also the most challenging task. Baby stores and brands have numerous strollers of different designs and features, and it is, indeed, confusing to choose the ideal one. 

There isn’t a single top-rated baby stroller that can suit every child. Finding the best baby strollers depends on various factors to make them suitable for your baby’s specific needs.

Here, you can get to know everything regarding:

What Are The Types of Baby Strollers?

Considering the age group and the types of features, you can find various styles of baby strollers in the market. Keeping in mind the needs of parents with growing babies, the best baby product brands have come up with modern-day baby strollers making life fun and convenient.

Let us compare the features and benefits of some most popular types of best baby strollers.

Traditional single stroller


  • Easy to use
  • Long-term investment
  • Convenient


  • Not suitable for transportation.

These are basic, all-purpose traditional single-seat strollers meant for one baby. These may be suitable for newborns to toddlers and have fully reclining seats. Some of them are also compatible with infant car seats.

Click here to find the best baby strollers.

Travel system


  • Allows undisturbed transportation from stroller to car.           
  • Multi-purpose package
  • Great for traveling


  • Bulky  

This is a complete package consisting of a stroller, an infant car seat, and a car seat base.

Click here to find the best car seat stroller combos.

Umbrella stroller


  • Lightweight
  • Easy to fold   
  • Easy to carry
  • Compact storage
  • Ideal for traveling


  • May not be suitable for newborn babies.
  • Seats often do not recline fully.

These are lightweight strollers that fold completely into a compact shape and take very little space. These are ideal for trips and traveling with your baby.

Click here to find the best lightweight/umbrella strollers.

Jogger stroller


  • Comfortable ride
  • Easy to push
  • Best for joggers


  • Cannot be used for traveling.

These are specialized strollers meant for parents who wish to take along their children while jogging. They are shaped like a tricycle, with one front wheel and two back wheels. The front wheel can swivel and also lock in a straight-ahead manner.

Click here to find the best jogging strollers.

Double stroller


  • Good for twins.                                            
  • Convenient for parents with more than one toddler.


  • There may be a space crunch if the design isn’t comfortable enough.

These are strollers with two seats that may be aligned side by side or face each other. These allow you to carry your twins or two children of nearly the same age and height together in one stroller.

Click here to find the best double strollers.

What To Consider When Choosing A Baby Stroller?

A stroller can be an expensive investment for your baby. Since you have to prioritize your child’s safety, you may have to pay quite a few bucks more than you expect. Thus, you must consider certain factors before you invest in a baby stroller. It will help you to zero down on the exact type of stroller you need. The product you purchase should meet your needs and be worth the money. 

1. Where would you use the stroller?

Strollers for cities are different from strollers for suburban areas.  Mothers in the city have narrow lanes and sidewalks, while their counterparts in suburban areas have more available space, less traffic, and bigger parks.

Thus, moms in the city need smaller, lighter, and more compact strollers to maneuver through the city lanes, shift on and off the sidewalk or take public transport, while mothers in the suburbs can afford big-sized strollers and jogging strollers. If you particularly plan to use it often while taking public transportation, always opt for lightweight strollers with wheels that move smoothly on all surfaces.

2. How old is your baby?

Some strollers are only meant for newborns to babies up to the age of six months. Other strollers may not suit newborns but are perfect for those above six months of age to little toddlers. Consider your baby’s age while selecting a stroller. It’s pointless to bring home something that doesn’t suit your child’s age-specific needs.

A newborn baby needs a bassinet or a deeply reclining seat to lie down and sleep. Babies more than six months old can sometimes sit up or have some neck control. They need a seat that allows them to recline as needed for comfort.

You may also need a car seat attachment for your infant. Thus, purchase a stroller according to the age group they are meant for. If you wish to invest in something once to suit the needs of your growing baby, get a convertible stroller that can help your newborn lie down and your toddler sit upright. 

3. How long will you use it?

Ask yourself this question before you plan to buy a stroller. If you need the stroller for just about five to six months more before your toddler is too big for a stroller or requires a different variety, investing in an expensive model is perhaps not wise. 

Do you plan to use the same stroller for another child in the future? Then, it would be a good idea to shop for something that is a long-term investment. Some people reserve a newborn stroller for their next kid, which they plan to have soon in a year or two. 

4. Your lifestyle 

Your lifestyle needs also decide the type of stroller you need to purchase for your baby. If you need it nearly every day, investing in a highly durable convertible model is perhaps the best call. However, if you need it just for occasional outings, you do not need to go for a fully-featured expensive model.

If you plan to push your stroller all by yourself throughout the city, go for a lighter stroller that is easy to maneuver and push. Parents looking for strollers that are easy to travel with and fit into the car need compact, easily foldable strollers with removable infant car seats. Also, if you have specific needs like jogging, a jogger stroller is the safest option here. 

5. Your budget

Your budget is definitely a deciding factor in taking the call. Stroller costs vary according to brands and features. A top-rated baby stroller may cost you more than $800, while several convenient and well-reviewed best baby strollers may be available within $400. Go for the one with maximum features that suit your needs within the budget range you have in mind. 

6. Number of babies

Purchase the stroller considering your family size or your future family plans. If you have twins or more than one child at the moment, go for a double stroller or a convertible one to accommodate both children at the same time. It is pointless to purchase two strollers for two children as it would be difficult to handle both simultaneously.

Moreover, if you plan to have more children in the near future, investing in a larger double stroller to accommodate them together is wise. Most convertible strollers allow you to have one newborn and one toddler together. 

7. Weight and ease of use

Always consider the weight and maneuverability of the stroller you have in your mind. Check whether it is easy to roll on sidewalks and slightly uneven terrain smoothly. Can you maneuver it with one hand, and does the handle adjust according to your height? Is it easy to take a turn or use it in the city while moving in and out of cars and public transport?

These are deciding factors because they will impact your convenience. If the stroller is too heavy for pushing daily for long hours, it will tire you out. Moreover, if they do not fold and unfold quickly with one hand, you may have trouble on the streets alone. 

8. Do you need more than one stroller?

Sometimes, you may need two strollers for different needs. Some parents prefer having an umbrella stroller for occasionally traveling, while at other times, they use a full-sized basic stroller with all features. 

What Features To Look For In A Baby Stroller?

Since strollers vary in design due to the number of features, it is essential to check whether they contain the most vital ones.

Fully reclining seat

A fully reclining stroller seat is crucial for your baby’s changing needs. You may change the position to allow your baby to sit upright or lie down and take a nap. It ensures that your baby is comfortable and happy.


Some strollers come with a bassinet for a newborn baby. These are best suited for your infants who need to lie down or take a nap often because they cannot sit up unsupported or do not have developed neck support at the moment.

One-handed fold

The ideal baby stroller must open and close quickly with one hand. A parent needs to manage a baby on one arm and fold or unfold the stroller with another. Without this important feature, you may face trouble on the streets.

Washable fabric

Babies may puke, drop their food and bottles on the stroller seat very often. You need a seat cover made of washable fabric to take care of such mess and make the strollers last long in good condition. Just open the cover and give it a good wash before putting it on again. 

Sun canopy

Your baby stroller must have a sun canopy if you plan to take it out very often during the day. The bright daylight and the heat may make your baby feel sick and uncomfortable. Babies also need sun protection while they are outdoors. A sun-protective canopy with SPF or UPF rating gives your child much-needed shade on hot days. The canopy also keeps them safe and guarded. Some canopies also have a peekaboo window to let you have a check on your baby’s activities or let them feel comfortable by seeing you near them always. 

Number of seats

Decide the kind of stroller you need as per the number of seats you require. Parents with a single child and no plans to have one soon can use a standard, full-size single stroller. However, parents with more than one child or twins need a convertible or a double stroller. Go for a twin stroller or a double stroller for two children of the same or nearly the same age or height.

Sometimes, you need to check whether there are different seats for children of different heights and ages. Some strollers for growing families have a bassinet for a newborn, a stroller seat for an infant or small toddler, and a standing board or platform for an older toddler.

Stroller basket

A typical stroller should come with a stroller basket to carry your essentials. A baby needs a variety of stuff even when you are out shopping. You may need to have food, drinks, diapers, etc., to take care of the baby on the roads. Stashing them in a separate bag is quite inconvenient. Instead, a stroller basket can help you store these essential baby products and let you access them easily whenever you need them.

Adjustable handlebar

An adjustable handlebar or a telescoping handlebar makes it comfortable for parents to push the stroller irrespective of height. The father or the mother, or any other caregiver can adjust the height of the handlebar to push the stroller comfortably, as needed.

Safety features

While checking out a stroller, ensure that you find all necessary safety features in it. The stroller should be lightweight but not flimsy enough to topple. The straps shouldn’t unbuckle or come loose, the hinges should be secure, and the wheels and brakes should operate properly on all terrain.

How To Make Sure Your Baby Stroller Is Safe Enough?

Even after ensuring all the vital features are present in your baby stroller and checking everything you need, it is essential to be safe than sorry. When you hit the road with your baby, stroller safety should come first, and as a parent, you cannot compromise on this ground. Here are a few additional safety issues to check before you purchase a baby stroller.

Five-point safety harness

You can find a five-point safety harness in almost any top-rated baby stroller. Please test whether the stroller you pick has these vital safety features. Also, ensure that the snaps are easy to buckle but not easy enough for the child to unbuckle. 

Check certification

All strollers in the U.S. market must meet the necessary federal safety standards. The Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association certification ensures that the stroller passes all safety tests and meets all requirements. So, check for a JPMA Certified sticker before.

Check the brakes

Test the brakes and how well they work before you purchase a stroller. Check whether the brakes offer an immediately secure stop when you hit them. These are important when you go out on a ride with your child and can prevent accidents. 

Examine hinges and sharp edges

Baby products may sometimes have loose hinges or protruding sharp edges that can cause accidents. Make sure you check these factors while physically inspecting the stroller at the store. Also, see that there are no small and tight spaces where the baby’s fingers and toes may get caught. 

Check for protective sun canopy

While purchasing a stroller, ensure that the canopy for shade has built-in UPF or SPF protection. This keeps your baby safe even on sunny days. Test the canopy to see if it is adjustable or how much does it cover the baby. 

Check the frame and maneuverability

The frame of the stroller should feel solid, durable, and not flimsy. Even if you are opting for a lightweight stroller, ensure that it is robust. A flimsy stroller may not ideally manage the weight of the child and may topple over easily. Also, put some weight on the stroller while testing it to see if it topples or is easy to push and maneuver on different surfaces. 

Baby Stroller Accessories

Baby stroller accessories are those add-on items that enhance your baby’s protection and comfort while they are in the stroller. Sometimes, these accessories may be there to improve your convenience. Here are some of the most well-known types of baby stroller accessories.

1. Stroller liners and color packs

Stroller liners and color packs serve a variety of purposes. If your child makes a mess in the stroller, a liner helps you easily clean it up or dispose of it. It protects the stroller and helps to keep it in good condition. Also, some liners help to increase the comfort of the baby riding on the stroller seat. The variety of colors keeps the baby happy and entertained, too.

2. Stroller organizer

Sometimes, the space in the stroller storage box isn’t huge enough to accommodate all your essentials. A stroller organizer is a perfect accessory to help you intelligently use the space. Keep your keys, phone, baby wipes, diaper bag, bottles, and baby food practically organized in a stroller organizer. It keeps the belongings sorted, and it’s easy to find what you need while saving space as well.

3. Cup holder

Cup holders generally come attached with baby strollers. But, if they do not, you can always purchase them as additional accessories. These cup holders are ideal to allow your baby to have a drink while on the go. They make space to store the cups and bottles in front of the baby.

4. Trays

You may also choose a removable tray for the stroller to securely store your baby’s food and drinks in the spaces provided. It keeps them from falling off and helps your baby enjoy a meal or quick snack while riding.

5. Belly bars

Belly bars or bumper bars come attached with some strollers. If they do not, you can buy them as accessories and easily clip them onto the stroller. The belly bar gives the baby a comfortable ride in the stroller, giving something to grip or hold onto.

The softly padded bars are perfect for a child to grasp for safety and comfort. You may also attach some toys to the belly bar for your child’s entertainment while on a ride.

6. Stroller blankets

Stroller blankets are tiny, baby-sized blankets made to fit a stroller. These blankets shield your baby from the chill while you take them out on cooler days. They help to keep your child warm and snug.

7. Weather shields

Weather shields can be nets or protective rain covers that keep your child safe from the elements. Keep them handy to prepare to walk around with your child in all weather.

8. Car seat adaptors

Car seat adaptors attach your infant’s car seat to the stroller. Thus, if you need to shift your sleeping baby from the stroller to the car and vice versa, you do not need to wake them or lift them anymore.


So, these were the vital areas every parent must know before purchasing baby strollers. It is easy to get confused seeing the dozens of varieties in the market. Sometimes, you may need more than one stroller to suit all your needs at different times, while some parents may find just one best stroller that seems custom-made to their needs.

Once you know what you need and why you require it, it’s time to bring home the ideal stroller and go happy riding.

What Next?

Now that you’ve learned something about how to select the best stroller for your babies, why don’t you also check our related guides below for more information:

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