Maintenance Guide: How to Take Care of Your RC Car

People do not realize the actual excitement comes from playing with RC cars. Also, many people purchase them as kid’s toys or for some other reason. If you are a car seeker, you will love the excitement that comes from playing with RC cars because our childhood never had an opportunity for such excitement like today’s kids. Anyway, what’s the actual reason and why should you maintain your RC cars?  

Why should you take care of your RC car?

    The reason you should maintain your RC car is that you are playing with these cars. That’s fun. You often feel thrilled and satisfied when running your RC cars. Meanwhile, your kids will need a properly maintained RC car to play with you and others. A maintained RC car is three times faster than a broken or roughly used RC car. Nowadays, a large number of people are addicted to online games. Still, the RC car gives a possibility to feel the experience of any virtual game in the real world. Those kids buy their loveable RC cars from a store and come with a pretty smile. They drive it with their friends and start a competition. They do also request their family members to play with them. What could be as exciting as this? If you are running your RC cars so tough and rough and you are not maintaining your cars well, you will have to face the most discouraging part: your RC car battery is dead. It usually happens in either the car or the remote. The connection between the car and remote may not work, which forces you to either repair your remote or replace it. Without the proper maintenance of RC cars, the short battery life may make you have less chance to enjoy your leisure time with your remote-controlled car. Also, it can be frustrating when the remote-control car is not working. Loose wire connections and the dead battery can be a reason for the unwanted majority of RC cars. Sometimes RC cars do not respond because there is little maintenance that makes your RC car unable to run consistently.  

Why is your RC car not working?

  The internal damage of the wires and the battery is one of the general reasons the RC car is not working. The rubberized buttons can also fall in different ways. If the rubberized buttons are not propping back out accurately, the RC cars cannot work correctly. For the long-lasting life of RC cars, we have to look after RC car parts and wires carefully. Good care and maintenance can bring you a lot of fun as you’re able to drive the RC car without some unexpected breakdowns.  

How to Maintain Your Powerful RC Car?

  Is taking care of your RC car important or necessary? The answer is, OF COURSE.   It is essential to take care of your RC car daily, look after it, wash it, check up on the battery performance each and everything. Good maintenance means you have to check your RC car’s performance regularly and take good care of it. It’s a long-time process requiring patience and perseverance. Therefore, as an RC car owner, it’s understandable that you think regular maintenance is troublesome and difficult. Don’t worry. The article will help you out.   1. Choose the right RC car for yourself      Choosing the right RC car will be your wise decision. You do have a plan: you will buy a touring RC car, and you will run it on muddy, grassy, dirty, sandy ground. No, it’s not going to work out longer, but if you make the right choice, such as RC buggy, RC heavy truck, RC monster truck, RC land cruiser, which are the offroad cars to fit that ground, you will save lots of efforts. If you make a mistake such as putting your touring RC car on the offroad track, it will cause unexpected bad results.   2. Prepare your RC car carefully Do you prepare your RC vehicle for a quick run? Do you check your vehicle’s parts and other kits? A few people may do it first. It’s essential to check your vehicle parts and controls before launching it on the track. Make sure that your vehicle’s important parts or screws are firmly tightened. It will better keep your RC car from accidents. Try to keep your RC car away from babies, or do not run it on the footpath.   3. Wash your RC car after a daily use   Imagine that you drift your RC car dirt to the mud, stuck into the sands, or you come after a long run and leave your vehicle unwashed. In those cases, you might be damaging your vehicle parts. It’s essential to keep your vehicle neat and clean as we wash our garaged cars whenever we come back from a tour or a long journey. Important tasks are to keep out your RC car’s battery first because it might not be waterproof and then slowly wash your vehicle with a brush or napkin. Slowly wash those tires and the motors beside them; it will keep your car glossy and turn into a long-lasting car.   4. Check the battery, motor, and clean tires after use   It’s important to check out and maintain your RC car’s parts, such as the battery, motor, and tires. We know that battery, motor, and tires are the main source of an RC car running on your ground. We will suffer next if we fail to follow these rules to keep our RC vehicles strong and tough. We do need to change our vehicle’s tires according to the ground terrain. We do need to look out the surface of the ground where you are running on, and according to the surface, we will apply the tires on our RC car. The motor of an RC car is the main power source; it runs our RC car ground to ground wherever we want. After usage, we need to take a brush or napkin. Then smoothly, we will wash around the motor areas so that water can’t get into them. We do need to look after the battery too. If we do use the maximum time of a battery, we have to change it and plug in a new one so that we can get the raw power from our RC cars.  

What kind of wrong practices may shorten the life of RC cars?

    1. Ignoring your maintenance routine This is a common mistake everyone makes after purchasing an RC car. You should take good care of your RC car appropriately. Otherwise, you may suffer from the bad performance of the RC car after a few days of usage. Therefore, to avoid that, you can make a checklist to remind you of the regular check before or after driving. For example, are those plugs and wires connected equally? Have you washed your car after two or three days running? Is the battery or motors working well? Make a short routine and follow it, and then you will be surprised to see your RC car last longer.   2. Over-tightened body kits and nuts-screws Generally, new RC owners create these mistakes while servicing the RC car on their own, but it also has solutions. You are doing it the first time, or you never did before, have an idea it can be a terminal screw that you are tightened much. Do some practices screwing an RC car, have a balanced mind feel the postures of RC car are equally balanced from each side? This way, you can give your RC vehicle a good service.   3. Not looking after your RC car’s battery Experts say that your RC car may not run longer and faster without a powerful battery, or it may run slow, look weak, and work as a toy car. The weak battery can hamper it, so checking up on your vehicle’s battery is a must. You did run your RC car on the muddy ground, and sand or water got into your battery area. Your vehicle isn’t moving or not running well, and it can be the missing batteries or the damaged batteries. So, it’s essential to look after your vehicle’s battery. There are other more related things we do have to know. When placing your battery, check out your RC vehicle and your vehicle’s transmitter, connect your vehicle’s battery to the right slot and direction. Charge it daily if it’s needed. Place the fresh battery after long usage and remove the older batteries. After using your vehicle, clean your vehicle’s battery slots daily. If the charger doesn’t work properly, replace it as soon as possible. Maintaining your vehicle battery will optimize your vehicle’s speed and performance.  

How can you make your RC car last longer?

  Just like a hobby, you may have invested so much money in your RC car. You are an RC lover who never wants to lose your money in vain. So, there are some basic maintenance rules you can apply to your RC car.     1. Types of battery  You do have to research your RC vehicle and batteries too. Lithium Polymer is the best battery for your RC vehicle. If you have an RC vehicle, you must have been using these kinds of batteries, although these batteries have advantages and disadvantages. You might have been using (NiMH) battery which is cheaper than others in your area but (LiPo) batteries have more power and ability than any normal kind of battery.   2. The way you drive your RC car RC cars have the power to move at speeds like 50-60 Mph, and some offroad cars can drive on complicated conditions. You have an RC buggy car. You are driving it/ accelerating it quickly, and then braking hard. Smoothly driving your RC vehicle, breaking it properly, and avoiding those bad-conditioned roads will maintain your vehicle’s battery life and body parts (tires, body kits, engine).   3. Are you using an old plugged battery? Changing your old battery pack month to month could be a great idea.  NiMH and LiPO batteries come with a time effect after using a period. After one or half-year later, your car’s battery can deteriorate. Overheating your car’s old battery can be a bad idea. It can discharge your vehicle plugged battery socket. Maintain your RC vehicle battery and body kits, and it will boost up your vehicle’s performance overall.                    

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