Dumbbell Triceps Exercises- Fitness Guide To Ace Bulky Arms


Fit triceps are as important as biceps; therefore, training them hard is highly crucial. While this might sound easy, performing any dumbbell triceps exercises is a hard nut to crack since there are many secrets to correct execution. This is a fitness guide for building bulky arms by training the triceps with the help of various dumbbell triceps exercises.


Dumbbell Triceps Exercises And Variations (Beginner Level)

Let’s start with some easy and beginner triceps workouts that need nothing but dumbbells. These workout variations are suggested for women, girls, and beginner fitness freaks who’ve never been to a gym before, according to womenshealthmag .


Floor Press

A floor press can be classified into three formats- regular dumbbell floor press, single-arm dumbbell floor press, and alternating arm dumbbell floor press. Let’s cover each of them.

The basic idea of any floor press is to lie down on the floor and hold two dumbbells in both hands. Let the arms rest on the floor while bending the elbows straight to make a 90 degrees angle. Have a firm grip to avoid dumbbells slipping from the hands. Keep the elbows apart away from the core to make a 45 degrees angle. That’ll be your initial position for any floor press variation.


Regular Dumbbell Floor Press

1. Form the initial position on the ground with ideal weight in both hands.
2. Lift the dumbbells to achieve straight arms. The dumbbells should be to the chest height. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds.
3. Revert to the original position to complete one repetition. Each set should have at least 15-20 repetitions, while a workout can have 3-5 sets, depending on the workout plan.


Single Arm Dumbbell Floor Press

1. Form the initial position but this time, let one arm rest completely on the floor. Hold the dumbbell in one hand (say the left hand).
2. Perform the dumbbell floor press like a regular dumbbell floor press. This time you’ll work your single arm out.
3. After completing a set with the left arm, repeat with the right arm while letting the left arm rest on the floor.
4. Completing the set with the right arm will mark an end to one set. Repeat to complete 2-4 sets per workout session.


Alternating Arm Dumbbell Floor Press

This is slightly tricky, and the chances of incorrect execution are fairly high. The initial position will be slightly different. It would be best to keep both arms straight with dumbbells in both hands. Keeping the arms straight demands additional strength and stamina, so don’t begin with this variation unless you’ve performed the other two variations for a few days. Once you’ve got into the modified initial position as said above, follow these steps:

1. Begin with the left hand and lower the left elbow to let it touch the floor. Hold the position for 3 seconds and lift the arm to keep it straight.
2. Repeat the same with the right arm and revert to the original position to complete one repetition.
3. Each set can have 10-15 repetitions, while each workout session can have 2-3 sets.

Overhead Extensions

Lying Extensions
1. Lie down on the floor with dumbbells in both hands. Bring both hands near the ears. Keep the arms straight all the time while the elbows will be bent to allow the dumbbells to reach near the ears. That’ll be your initial position.
2. While keeping the arms straight, raise the dumbbells making a quarter circle, and bring them to the chest height. The arms and hands should be straight. Lock the position for 3-5 seconds.
3. Revert to the original position to complete a repetition.
Standing Extensions
1. Stand straight with a dumbbell held with both hands. Raise the arms to let the elbow reach the head. For the best results, let the elbow touch the head. Bend the elbow so that the dumbbell reaches the back of your head. That’ll be the initial position.
2. Keeping the elbows in place, raise the arm to make it straight. This’ll bring the dumbbell above your head, so ensure choosing optimal weight and keep the grip super firm.
3. Lock the position for a few seconds and revert to the original position.


Triceps Kickback

Both the variations demand a similar standing position. First, stand straight and hold two dumbbells. Bend your knees a little while keeping the ankles unbent. Now lean a little forward to bend the waist. Keep the spine straight, though. Lean forward enough to stay stable. Bring the dumbbells near the chest and the elbows to the laterals. That’ll be your initial position.


Regular Triceps Kickback

Keeping the elbows simultaneously, straighten the arms to allow the dumbbells to reach the back. This’ll squeeze the triceps, putting more emphasis on them. Hold the position for 3-4 seconds and revert to the original pose to mark an end to a repetition.


Alternating Triceps Kickback

Instead of straightening both the arms simultaneously, begin with the left arm. Bring the left arm back to the original position and repeat with the right arm to complete one repetition.

Dumbbell Triceps Exercises And Variations (Intermediate Level)

The dumbbell triceps exercises at the intermediate level are pretty similar to the beginner level with slight modifications. It’s advisable not to perform these dumbbell triceps exercises at home. Some intermediate level dumbbell triceps exercises suggested by dumbbell exercises are as follows:


Kickback Dumbbell Triceps Exercises

Kickback dumbbell workouts for triceps using a bench have several variations as follows:

1. Place the left knee on a bench while the right leg stays slightly bent on the floor.
2. Lean forward to grab the support of your left arm on the bench.
3. Hold a dumbbell in the right hand and begin kickbacks.
4. The right elbow will stay near the lateral while performing the kickbacks.
5. After completing a set with the right arm, change the position so that the right leg and arm are on the bench support while you perform kickbacks with your left arm.
In another variation of kickbacks, follow these steps:
1. Sit normally on a bench, hold a dumbbell in either hand (say the left hand), and bend forward so that the spine is somewhat parallel to the floor.
2. Lift the left hand (where you’re holding the dumbbell) and keep the elbow sticking to the lateral. The arm should now be parallel to the floor.
3. When the dumbbell is hanging, it’ll be your initial position.
4. Lift the dumbbell backward to stretch the arm and make it straight and parallel to the floor. Hold for a few seconds before returning to the original position to mark an end to a repetition.
5. You need to perform 10-15 repetitions per arm to complete one set.


Triceps Extensions (Lying)

The workout demands resting on the bench while the legs below the knees hang (you can let the feet rest on the floor, though).

1. Hold one dumbbell with both hands and bring the hammer grip behind the head.
2. Raise the arms to make them straight and bring the dumbbells above the chest height. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds.
3. Revert to the original position and take a break of 2 seconds. This completes one repetition.
Throughout the workout, the elbows will be straight, making the arms perpendicular to the floor. Only the hands will be moving, or else the triceps won’t be trained.


Bench Press For Triceps

Rest on a bench while the legs below the knee hang (you can let the feet rest on the floor). Hold two dumbbells in both hands and keep the elbows far away from the laterals. The arms should be making a 90 degrees angle from the elbow. Palms should be facing each other. The arms can be 90 degrees apart from the laterals. That’ll be your initial position.

1. Lift both the arms to make them straight. The palms will always be facing each other. Hold a tight grip and stay in the position for 4 seconds.
2. Revert to the original position. This will complete one repetition. You can pause for 2 seconds.
When the arms are straight, they should be shoulder-wide apart, and the grip should be so strong that the dumbbells don’t slip from the hands. The grip might loosen due to sweat, so consider using grip powder that’s made of Magnesium Carbonate and Calcium Carbonate.



Dumbbell Triceps Exercises And Variations (Advanced/Pro Level)

Menshealth suggests a few dumbbell triceps exercises that should be seriously restricted to advanced or pro fitness freaks, experienced powerlifters, and women with dumbbell experience. The exercises discussed below require incredible stability, failing to do which might cause dumbbells felling on the body.


Modified Bench Press

The objective of this bench press is to modify the dumbbell grip to encourage the triceps to work hard.

1. Lay down on a bench with a large dumbbell (say 30+ Kg). The initial position demands keeping the arms straight while holding the dumbbell up in the air to the chest height.

2. Keep the hands closer to each other to make the triceps work hard. Legs should be wide apart.
3. Perform the bench press like a regular bench press. The grip should be so that the fingers are towards the legs. Little fingers should outwards throughout the workout. Such a grip is the secret to bulky triceps.
4. Lower the arms so that they’re parallel to the floor. Hold for a while to mark an end to one repetition.


Skull Crushers

This is very similar to the modified bench press. The grip will be the same. The initial position demands keeping the arms straight, and the dumbbell should be above the chest height.

1. Lower the dumbbell and bring it closer to the top of the head. The arms MUST be straight and perpendicular to the floor.
2. Hold this position for 3 seconds and raise the dumbbell without moving the elbows. Once the arms are straight, hold again for 3 seconds to complete one repetition.
Ensure keeping the hands closer to force triceps to work hard.


JM Press

The JM press is a variation derived by combining the goodness of skull crushers and the modified bench press that requires two dumbbells in both hands. To begin, come into the initial position as follows:

1. Lay on the bench and hold the dumbbells in your hands. Let the grip rest on your chest while the elbows are near the ribs on the laterals. The elbows can be slightly apart from the laterals (not more than 45 degrees).
2. Raise the dumbbells in the air so the arms are straight and the dumbbells are above the chest height. Maintain the position for 3-7 seconds. It’ll be a rest position when your arms are completely straight and perpendicular to the floor.
3. While the arms are straight, lower the grip towards the head (remember not to bend the arms). Gradually lower the grip so that the dumbbells are above the face height. Since this step is highly dangerous, only professionals should go with it. Maintain this position for 10-15 seconds.
4. Lower the arms to get back to the initial position. Take a break and again raise the arms. This time, go to the position when the dumbbells are above the face height.



Dumbbell Suggestion and Quick Buyer’s Guide

It’s important to select the right dumbbell and weight for different variations of dumbbell triceps exercises. Choosing too much weight will damage the muscles and body, while choosing too light-weighted dumbbell will leave you with no gains.

· Kickback variations can use 2Kg or 3Kg dumbbells. Kickbacks on bench and extension exercises should have no more than 3Kg in the beginning. If women prefer girly colors, then pink and purple colors are some options.

· For modified bench press and other press exercises, you’re good to start with 4Kg (if you’re a beginner) or 5Kg if you have an average energy level.

· Skull crushers can be initiated with 5Kg onwards.

· For advanced dumbbell triceps exercises, 20Kg dumbbells are another good option.

· A dumbbell of 35Kg will help train during the close grip bench press.

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