A Complete Guide on Electric Scooter Battery – All You Need to Know

The electric scooter industry has evolved swiftly in the past ten years, mainly due to noticeable improvements in battery technology. Although most people generally overlook this aspect but looking after your battery is highly important. Neglecting your electric scooter battery will result in fewer charge cycles, reduced range per charge, and ultimately a significant reduction…

RV Refrigerator Vs. Residential Fridge: Which Is Better Choice?

One of the fantastic luxury items of traveling in an RV is the easy-to-go access to iced drinks, vegetables, fresh fruits, cheese, and other eatable items, which would be impossible to carry without the RV refrigerator. Yet, all refrigerators are manufactured with the same manual function of supplying a cold setting for your groceries because…

RV Refrigerator Not Cooling: Troubleshoot Guide for Campers

Is Your RV Refrigerator Not Cooling? Troubleshooting Guide RV has gotten so luxurious that even RV refrigerator has become complicated and at times difficult to use. However, it would help if you keep your food supply cold while traveling. Taking care of your refrigerator is just as critical as taking care of your air conditioner….

3-way RV Fridge Vs. 2-way RV Fridge- A Detailed Comparison

Absorption RV fridge, also called 3-way RV fridge, can operate on alternating current, direct current, and LPG gas. Such capability makes it ideal for taking out for a camping trip in an RV, hence the name 3-way RV fridge. If you’re keen to learn everything about a 3-way RV fridge in comparison to a 2-way…

RV Refrigerator Gas And Electric – Which One Is Better?

RV refrigerators are considered an ideal choice for camping adventures. Such a refrigerator lets you travel the state without compromising the comfort of being at home. A refrigerator is an essential appliance you require in your recreational vehicles while camping at your favorite destinations. These refrigerators are super-efficient and work at their best even when…

The 6 Best RV Refrigerators and Freezers Built to Last and Thrive on the Roughest Terrains

RV is your temporary house on wheels. And what is one thing that makes a home livable? – a refrigerator. No matter how much we love to camp and spend weeks on the road, it simply can’t happen in a fun and convenient way unless we have an RV refrigerator to keep the perishables safe. …

7 Best Wheelie Bars for Dirt Bike Wheelie Trainers


Wheelie Bars or “brake” bars are devices that are attached to the rear axles of motorcycles and other motor vehicles to prevent the back end from rising during heavy braking or accelerating. Minibike Wheelie Bars are used to limit reverse wheel travel and allow forward wheel travel without tilting. Dirt bike Wheelie Bars also help…

How to Store Cigars the Best Way – A Helpful Guide for Cigar Savvy Souls

Introduction Few things on earth look best in sepia and speak best of class. A cowboy hat, old photographs, a vintage cigar flavor; they all speak of time and long-forgotten memories. If you sneak into the unopened corners of your house, you might chance upon an old box of cigars, perfectly preserved till this day,…