What Are Pickleball Paddles Made Of?

Pickleball Paddle

Whether you are a professional or a beginner, you should know what the pickleball paddle get made of. The pickleball racquet material will affect how you play the game. Understanding what the surface and core materials do should matter as it will enable you to perform to the best of your abilities.

Players who understand the pickleball game know how the different materials affect their ability to play. The guide will enable you to know the characteristics of surface and core materials. The knowledge will help you confidently choose the pickleball rackets, ensuring you perform well on the court.  

The Pickleball Paddle Surface Materials

Pickleball rackets get made from different surface and core materials. Let’s look at the popular surface materials and understand their unique characteristics. It will enable you to choose a pickleball racquet that meets your requirements.

  • Graphite

Graphite is a popular choice as it’s lightweight and thin. Despite being light, it is a rigid and stiff material. It helps provide consistent strikes and energy transfer between the ball and the paddle.

Players using graphite rackets feel more vibrations on each hit than with other materials. Various factors, such as the core, construction, and ball location, contribute to this. Graphite is best for players who prioritize touch over power.  

Graphite surface material is suitable for casual, competitive, and tournament play. The choice depends on a player’s playing style. Most players do tend to prefer leaning towards graphite.

  • Carbon Fiber

The other popular surface material that gets used is carbon fiber. Similar to graphite, it is stiff and lightweight but also more durable. While graphite comprises tightly packed layers of carbon, carbon fiber is interlinked in ribbons. The woven fiber structure provides greater strength and rigidity.

Playing with carbon fiber feels refined. It is due to its ability to absorb and redistribute the impact energy of the ball striking the paddle. The players will have greater control and can apply spin to the ball. The even distribution of power helps players make consistent and precise shots.

Like graphite, the stiffness of carbon fiber gives the racquet a moderate amount of power. The durability of carbon fiber means it lasts longer than a graphite surface.

  • Fiberglass

Fiberglass is a popular surface material for making pickleball equipment. It gets made by compressing fibers under high heat and pressure and soaking the material in resin to create a glass-like texture. Fiberglass rackets are known for their durability and are lightweight.

The material does differ from graphite and carbon fiber in terms of stiffness. Fiberglass is more relaxed, making it a power-driven paddle. The energy doesn’t get evenly distributed across the paddle’s face, resulting in a smaller sweet spot.

Fiberglass paddles can be more challenging to control with the added power than carbon fiber or graphite surfaces. It is incredibly difficult for beginners who rely on the sweet spot to get the highest-quality shot.

  • Hybrid

Hybrid pickleball paddles get made of a blend of materials rather than just one. The combination of materials strengthens the paddle or enhances its performance during play.

Various material combinations are available, each designed to leverage the unique strengths of the materials. When you examine the behavior of different paddle materials, you can gain insight into how a hybrid paddle performs.

Hybrid paddles help players achieve balance by leveraging the strengths of different materials to enhance their playstyle. The hybrid rackets will enable you to find the right balance between control and power.

Is Graphite or Fiberglass Better for Pickleball?

Graphite and fiberglass are commonly used materials for pickleball paddles. Each one of these materials has its distinct advantages and disadvantages.

Graphite is popular as it is stiff, lightweight, and responsive. Professionals prefer it as it offers greater power and control. It is also more durable and resistant to dings and scratches. Graphite paddles are more expensive than fiberglass paddles.

Fiberglass paddles cost less than graphite paddles and offer a softer feel. Shock absorption is better, which helps players with joint pain or other injuries. Fiberglass paddles are also more forgiving on off-center shots. It is a good choice for beginners or players still developing their skills.

The choice between graphite and fiberglass depends on personal preference, playing style, and budget. Some players may prefer the stiffness and responsiveness of graphite, while others may value the softer feel of fiberglass.

Let’s examine some advantages and disadvantages of graphite and fiberglass pickleball paddles. It will enable you to choose wisely according to your specific requirements.

Graphite Paddles


  • Stiffness – Graphite paddles are stiffer than fiberglass ones, providing more power and control for advanced players. The stiffness of graphite paddles means less energy is lost when the ball hits the pickleball racquet, resulting in excellent responsiveness and faster shots.
  • Light Weight – Graphite is a lightweight material. It means that pickleball rackets are also light. It is an advantage for players who want a paddle that is easy to maneuver and helps generate fast swing speeds.
  • Durability – Graphite pickleball equipment is more durable than fiberglass paddles. It means they are resistant to dings, scratches, and other types of damage. With proper care, the pickleball gear lasts long.


  • Cost – Graphite paddles are more expensive than fiberglass paddles. It is a significant factor if you are on a tight budget.
  • Less Forgiving – The stiffness of graphite paddles makes them less forgiving on off-center shots. If the ball hits the paddle’s sweet spot, it will generate much power, but the shot may be weaker and less accurate if it hits the paddle’s edge.
  • Vibration – Graphite rackets are stiff and transmit more vibration to the player’s arm. If a player suffers from joint pain or other injuries, it makes playing more uncomfortable.

Fiberglass paddles


  • Soft Feel – Fiberglass paddles are softer than graphite paddles. The softness of fiberglass paddles enables them to absorb more shock from impact. It reduces strain on the player’s arm. It helps provide a more comfortable playing experience.
  • Forgiving – The softness of fiberglass paddles makes them more forgiving on off-center shots. Even if the ball hits the paddle’s edge, the shot will still have power and accuracy.
  • Cost – Fiberglass paddles tend to be less expensive than graphite paddles. This can be a significant factor for players who want a good-quality paddle without breaking the bank.


  • Less Stiffness – Fiberglass paddles are less stiff than graphite paddles. The paddle provides less power and control for professional players. The flexibility of fiberglass paddles implies that more energy gets lost when the ball hits the paddle. It results in slower shots.
  • Heavier – Fiberglass is a heavier material than graphite. It means the rackets made are also heavier. The heavy racquet can inconvenience players who want to maneuver and generate fast swing speeds.
  • Less Durability – Fiberglass paddles are less durable than graphite paddles. Prone to dings, scratches, and other types of damage, you might have to replace them frequently.

Pickleball Paddle Core Materials

The core of a pickleball racquet plays a crucial role in its performance. Along with the surface material, the core material and thickness are essential factors in determining the player’s experience.

Pickleball cores have a honeycomb-like structure with empty cells. It helps increase the paddle’s strength without adding weight. Paddle cores get made from different materials, including aluminum, polymer, and Nomex.

Aluminum Cores

The less commonly used material for pickleball paddle cores is aluminum. Even though it is lightweight, aluminum lacks power. It is due to this reason that professional players don’t prefer pickleball rackets with aluminum as their choice.

If you play with an aluminum paddle, you can only hit the ball with some strength, but you can do so with greater control. If you prefer control over power, you can choose pickleball rackets made with aluminum.

Polymer Cores

Polymer is the most commonly used material for paddle cores. It also gets known as polypropylene or poly core. It has exceptional properties, which include a balance between touch and power, noise reduction, and durability.

Polymer cores offer flexibility and strength and are recyclable.

The density of polymer cores varies, with some having smaller cells for a firmer and more powerful paddle while others have more giant cells for better control. Higher-density cores are durable, whereas lower-density cores might develop dead spots quickly due to a lack of material.

Nomex Cores

Nomex is a polymer-based core material. The honeycomb structure contains numerous small cells. The material is flame and heat-resistant. Nomex is a popular core material due to its availability.

The most notable feature of a Nomex paddle is its power. Playing with a Nomex paddle requires control and precision. You can achieve this through the paddle’s weight or a graphite surface.

You need to play carefully when you choose a Nomex core material. Nomex is a complex and dense material. Even though it is powerful, Nomex paddles are lightweight and easy to swing. Volleying the ball back and forth quickly might cause a player to lose control, even if experienced.  

How to Choose the Right Material

Consider many factors when choosing the suitable material for your pickleball paddle. If you are not careful with your choice of material, it might affect your game.

Consider the different factors to improve your game and performance, and choose a material that suits your playing style.

Weight Category

There are three weight categories for pickleball paddles:

  • Lightweight: Less than 7.2 ounces
  • Midweight: 7.3 – 8.4 ounces
  • Heavyweight: More than 8.5 ounces

Lightweight paddles are easy to maneuver and provide greater precision. It allows more finesse in hitting shots. The paddle is less taxing on the wrist. It makes it the preferred choice for novice players and those who prefer a lighter touch.

You do need to know that if you use a paddle that is too light, it might result in missed shots or insufficient power. When you hit the ball too hard with a lightweight paddle, it might worsen your tennis elbow due to the vibrations it creates.

Midweight paddles are suitable for players who want to balance power and control. If they can find the balance, it will prevent overburdening the wrist or causing the tennis elbow to flare up.

Players who prioritize power over control, are comfortable with less accuracy, and can handle a heavier paddle might prefer a heavyweight option. The heavy paddles swing faster and generate more force. It makes them suitable for singles matches.

For players seeking an aggressive play style, a heavier paddle can generate more power in their shots, but it might compromise maneuverability, and you will find making quick exchanges challenging.

Conversely, lighter paddles offer less power but allow for increased control and wrist action. It enables players to add spin to their shots, which makes them ideal for dominating the front court. The heavier weight might also cause arm fatigue, which is a concern for those with pre-existing arm injuries.

It is important to remember that choosing a too-heavy paddle might cause wrist pain, aggravate tennis elbow, or lead to shoulder injuries. Trying out paddles of different weights is recommended to determine the most comfortable and effective option.

Grip Size

The grip size of your pickleball paddle is the second most important factor you should consider when selecting the material. The grip plays a crucial role in ensuring a comfortable and secure hold.

Holding a paddle with an incorrect circumference is similar to wearing ill-fitting shoes for jogging. If the grip size is wrong, it can cause discomfort, increase the risk of injury, and hamper your performance.

If you want to determine the proper grip size, you can use your height as a guide:

  • Below 6 feet 2 inches – 4-inch grip or less
  • Between 6 feet 2 inches and 6 feet and 8 inches – 4.25-inch grip
  • 6 feet 9 inches or taller – 4.5-inch grip

You can also perform a finger test to find your ideal pickleball paddle grip size. Measure the distance from the middle crease across your palm to the end of your ring finger. It is more precise when you use this method.

The measurement should match your ideal grip size. You can opt for the smaller size for greater comfort, control, and mobility if it falls between sizes.

Graphite or Composite

When selecting a pickleball paddle, it’s crucial to consider the material it’s made from. Even though wooden paddles are durable and cost-effective, they are heavy. It is due to this reason that most players are turning to composite or graphite paddles.

Composite pickleball paddles feature a hitting surface composed of at least two materials. You will find these paddles to be weightier than graphite paddles. The textured surface provides an enhanced ball grip.

Composite paddles deliver greater power and spin. You will not find them suitable for softer shots like “dinks” and lightweight hits. Players with a budget usually prefer them as they are less expensive.

On the other hand, graphite pickleball paddles don’t weigh much. The paddles provide excellent response, superior control, and improved accuracy near the net. You might need help generating power with this material due to its lightness. Graphite material is also costly.

When deciding on a paddle weight or grip, it’s wise to evaluate your strengths and select either a graphite or composite paddle. Depending on your playing style, you might prefer a lighter, more controlled swing or a heavier, more powerful one.

The other aspects that you need to decide on when choosing the suitable material for the pickleball equipment include the following:

  • Do You Need Power?
  • Do You Need Control?
  • Do You Need a Lightweight Paddle?
  • Do You Prefer a Heavier Paddle?

Need More Power

The Nomex core is a top choice for those seeking power in their pickleball game due to its exceptional strength. It is essential to know that Nomex can get overpowering at times. If your Nomex paddle is difficult to control during play, it is wise to explore alternative core options.

Wood can offer power when it comes to the surface material for your pickleball paddle. If you want a more performance-driven option, fiberglass is a more practical choice.

Need More Control

If you value control, you need a paddle that works as you want. A polymer core is an excellent choice for a more control-oriented paddle.

Although a polymer core offers power, it’s the least powerful of the three options, allowing for greater control. Carbon fiber and graphite paddle faces are light and rigid, providing complete control during play.

Lightweight Pickleball Paddle

An aluminum core may be the lightest of the three materials if you prefer a lightweight paddle. All pickleball surface materials, except wood, are relatively lightweight.

Carbon fiber and graphite are among the lightest options, but fiberglass is also lightweight. Remember that the hybrid materials used in your paddle can affect its weight.

Heavier Pickleball Paddle

For experienced players comfortable with heavier paddles, weight may not be a primary concern. If the player suffers from a wrist injury, they should avoid using a heavy paddle as it can add to the discomfort.

Hold the paddle to determine its grip and weight, and choose only those you are comfortable holding. It is always advisable to find a balance between weight and power. If you feel discomfort, avoiding pickleball rackets and buying ones that help improve your playing style is best.

Head Shape

Official regulations state that the length of a paddle shouldn’t exceed 17 inches. The combined length and width (including the edge guard and butt cap) shouldn’t exceed 24 inches.

The Classic paddle is the original shape, with a length of approximately 16 inches and a width of 8 inches. It offers a blend of power, spin, and maneuverability.

The Wide paddle has a broader face. It measures around 8.5 inches and has a shorter length of 15.5 inches. The design boasts an expanded sweet spot and exceptional maneuverability.

The Elongated paddle has a length of approximately 16.5 inches and a width of 7.5 inches. Although it offers more power, reach, and spin, it compromises maneuverability and has a smaller sweet spot.

How to Make a Pickleball Paddle?

Even though most players don’t tend to pay attention to how the paddle gets made, it is advisable to know about the manufacturing process. You can make a better choice when you learn about the materials and techniques used to manufacture pickleball equipment.

The initial manufacturing step involves selecting the core and face material. After choosing the material, you decide on attaching the grip and cap. The next step involves assembling the rim and finalizing the paddle.

Even though this process looks, so simple, many complex details are involved. For instance, a specialized foam-type material gets wrapped around the handle, creating a non-slip grip. It lets the player maintain a firm hold on the paddle during play.

Apart from this, the surface material gets affixed to both sides of the core. Depending on the surface and core materials, you can determine the pickleball paddle’s ball control, spin, and precision.

The pickleball paddle and gear manufacturing process can get classified into four steps:

Step 1: Choosing Surface and Core Materials

The first crucial step is selecting the appropriate materials for the core and surface. The pickleball paddle’s body comprises the surface and the core. The core is the backbone of the paddle. It is three to four centimeters thick.

The surface material is a protective layer. It covers both sides of the core. It gives the paddle its specific characteristics and safeguards against damage. All paddle cores get molded using a particular technique, which provides them with a honeycomb design.

The Core Material

When manufacturing a pickleball paddle, the selection of core material is critical.

  • Aluminum, a low-cost material, is the most common in making pickleball paddle cores. Paddles with an aluminum core offer better control. You need to know that the shots have less power than paddles made from polymer or Nomex.
  • Polymer material is a blend of different plastic types. Paddles with a polymer core are soft. It helps in providing more shot power, but you sacrifice control. It also produces the slightest noise.
  • Nomex is a lightweight material. Its cardboard-like unique characteristics make it the most widely used core material for pickleball paddles.

Paddles that get manufactured with a Nomex core offer exceptional control and durability. The only disadvantage is that they are noisier than those with a polymer core.

The Surface Material

The three material options to choose from for the surface of the paddle include the following:

  • Carbon Fiber is a solid and durable material used in various applications, including aircraft panels, sports car chassis, and medical appliances. It also gets used in the manufacture of the pickleball surface. Pickleball racquets with a carbon fiber surface are lightweight. It provides excellent control and durability. You might have to sacrifice shot power due to this aspect.
  • Graphite is a cost-effective material for paddle surfaces. It is similar to carbon fiber in durability.
  • Fiberglass often gets used for making paddle surfaces. You might have to sacrifice shot power. Paddles with a fiberglass surface offer excellent control.

Many pickleball equipment manufacturing companies are exploring new composite materials like polypropylene. It gives pickleball players more control and durability.

The USAPA does impose strict rules and guidelines on paddle manufacturers. After selecting the surface material and using it to the paddle’s core, manufacturers prefer adding another layer to the surface to enhance its appearance. When you add a layer to the surface, it increases spin.

Step 2: Fix the Grip and Cap

Step two helps start the process of fixing the grip and cap to the pickleball paddle. The head of the paddle gets fabricated using industrial machinery. It is a similar manufacturing method to badminton and tennis rackets. The head of the paddle gets prolonged towards the lower end to construct the handle.

The paddle manufacturing process starts when the head and handle get carved out. A cap that is larger in circumference than the handle is secured to the paddle’s lower end. The grip is the first component to get assembled.

The grip plays a crucial role in the pickleball paddle. It enables players to grasp it firmly, preventing slippage during play. The manufacturers apply top-quality, specialized foam to the handle and wrap it securely to form the grip.

Step 3: Attach the Rim

After attaching the grip to the paddle’s handle, the rim gets fixed manually. The function of the rim is to maintain the structural integrity of the pickleball paddle. Apart from this, it also reveals the honeycomb pattern. It safeguards the paddle from any harm occurring while playing the game.

Pickleball players tend to drop their paddles occasionally. The rim provides an additional safeguard layer, enabling players to grip the paddle firmly.

Final Words

You must know what the pickleball paddle is made of, as this knowledge will enable you to choose the right equipment. Pickleball rackets are available in different sizes and shapes. You can choose from the many surface and core materials listed above to improve your game and performance.  

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