A kotatsu is a wooden table frame of low height, usually covered with a blanket to trap the heat, which is then covered with a tabletop. Underneath the kotatsu table is a heat source, electric or charcoal. Japanese Kotatsu is prevalent mainly in Japan. Japanese culture is very different from Western culture. People are less likely to sit on the floor for long periods in Western culture, but the Japanese often do so.
A blanket covered on the Japanese Kotatsu is also called a kotatsu Futon. It is usually thick and similar to a quilt. You can put your lower body under the Kotatsu and enjoy the warmth. Traditional kotatsu Futons are thick and heavy, but lighter ones are also available.
In winter, families sit around the Japanese Kotatsu to stay warm. They can talk to each other face to face and enjoy the family company. Buy the best Kotatsu for your family! At this moment, television has become obsolete.
A Kotatsu is a traditional Japanese form of winter warmth. It saves energy and keeps you warm. Japanese Kotatsu originated in the 14th century and developed from the Iror stove, which uses charcoal. In the 20th century, small portable Kotatsu came with electric kotatsu heaters. Modern Kotatsu uses a kotatsu blanket to trap the heat. Today, a Japanese Kotatsu has two primary forms: "Okigotatsu" and "Horigotatsu." A kotatsu sofa or couch is also available to give you a warm winter.
A Japanese kotatsu will be dangerous if you do not use it correctly. Pay attention to the following Kotatsu safety precautions. If you follow these, the Japanese Kotatsu will be safe.
a) Watching small children and pets
No matter what happens, never leave your kids and cat unattended.
b) Always keep it off
When you are not using Kotatsu, please turn it off. Even if you are away for a short time, turn it off.
c) Don't sleep under the stove
By doing so, you may be injured. Severe burns or damage to the unit may come.
d) Don't dry clothes under the kotatsu blanket
The direct current causes electric shock when encountering water. You could be permanently disabled and possibly even killed.
e) Keep things away from electric kotatsu heaters
It may catch fire when you put bedding or other things near the Japanese kotatsu heater.
f) Protecting cover
Heating systems usually have a protective cover to stop fires.
Please do not put the electric kotatsu heater power cord where your legs can reach it. Do not twist the cable.
g) Don't repair the Japanese kotatsu heater unit by yourself
Seek an expert to fix them. Don't repair a Japanese kotatsu heater yourself unless you are a professional.
Kotatsu warmth can give you a good sleep, but you may move your limbs or roll over when you fall asleep. This could cause a fire.
Also, you may bump into the kotatsu table when you fall asleep. If things fall off the kotatsu table, they may hit you. You may also damage these things.
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Tables are available for as low as about $180. If you buy kotatsu sets(transformer, a kotatsu table, and a futon are available), the budget should be at least $378 or so.
Some people use regular futons, so this is feasible. However, it may be challenging to find a futon size that fits perfectly with the size of the kotatsu table. In addition, there should be no flammable things in the blanket.
Generally speaking, special Kotatsu futons are safer than regular futons.
Most Kotatsu tables don’t attach a kotatsu blanket/futon. Hence you need to get one separately. Some people prefer to buy several kotatsu futons because they can change futons whenever the old one is dirty. When buying a blanket, make sure the size fits your Kotatsu table and the patterns match your taste. The price varies depending on the texture and quality.